We are a space branding company.

We PEARL IDEA collaborate with the clients to create TOKIMEKI spaces such as commercial facilities, cultural facilities, pop-ups, events, offices and showrooms. As a professinal companies of the space design, VMD and mannequins with over 60 years experience since our founding, we will continue the challenges to become the best partner for our clients.


pearl compass
We operate the space branding in four areas to provide our clients with "Co-creation Space of Tokimeki!"
Woman in concrete room with flowing abstract particles
Experience Branding
We promote branding activities through the concept making technology such as retailtainment and VMD design technology adding the planning elements of eperience value to the real space of Clothing, Foods, Shelter and Recreation.
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Businessman using virtual visual screen in crowd
Information Branding
We promote Branding Activities through VI (Visual Identity) techniques and Event Planning in the spaces such as Incubation, POPUPS, Exhibitions,  Showrooms, and Corporate Museums.
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Cheering fans at concert.
Community Branding
We promote Branding Activities by producing Communication-Forming Cultural Events and Planning Promotions. We also support the companies that participate in the activities to balance Social Value and Coporate Value (CSV).
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Medley of creative minds
Creative Life Branding
We promote branding activities through renovation techniques and amenity planning for offices, residences, hotels, and cultural facilities.
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Check our introduction movie and new products at the virtual showroom of Pearl Idea.



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