Size :
height 145, bust 79, waist 61, hips 88, shoes 23, heel 8, chair size 54 (Headlessタイプの場合、height 130)
Head Type :
PWAA209D (Abstract)
PWHA209D (Headless)
The middle-aged female mannequin collection: the wider hips create the beautiful lines, and the modest pose is suitable for the display at the limited space. The abstract face and the headless types are available.
Size :
height 145, bust 79, waist 61, hips 88, shoes 23, heel 8, chair size 54 (Headlessタイプの場合、height 130)
Head Type :
PWAA209D (Abstract)
PWHA209D (Headless)
¥ 0
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